GovCMS is a content management system and hosting service which provides web designers and developers options to publish content as well as modify websites to better suit their needs. It was designed specifically for government use.

General Uses

GovCMS can be used a multitude of ways. In its simplest form, it can provide website templates in which users can enter content. GovCMS also offers users the means to modify these base templates according to their requirements – albeit within certain restrictions.

Managed vs Self-Managed Services

GovCMS offers two types of service: Software as a Service (SaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS).

SaaS is known as a managed service. Under this offering, users only need to build their website, add and maintain their content. From a security perspective, most of this is looked after by the GovCMS team. This team is responsible for the GovCMS platform's security and infrastrcuture.  With a managed service, there are limitations to the extent users can customise their website.

Conversely under PaaS or a self-managed service, users have more flexibility around the extensions they can use on their website. However, with greater options comes greater responsibility. Users under a self-managed service are more responsible for the application and security of their website.

Who can use GovCMS?

GovCMS is available to all Australian Government organisations.

As of writing this article, GovCMS hosts over 300 websites for more than 100 agencies across all levels of government in Australia.

Why use GovCMS?

As mentioned above, GovCMS has been designed specifically for government use, meaning that it provides functions and capabilities already tailored for government purposes. GovCMS is also customisable and can be modified to meet more specific user needs.

Other benefits include:

AvailabilityGovCMS can be used by any government agency at any level. That is, Local, State or Commonwealth.
Distribution of costsGovCMS is shared and used by many government agencies. This allows the implementation, set up and maintenance costs to be distributed, which reduces these expenses for each user organisation.
SecurityWebsites built via GovCMS are secure and compliant with government standards such as the Information Security Registered Assessors Program (IRAP).
24/7 SupportRound the clock support is available to assist users with trouble shooting or technical issues.
CommunityGovCMS has a growing community which can be accessed to share ideas and create better digital content.

Why wouldn’t we use GovCMS?

Although GovCMS provides a one stop solution to creating websites, it is not a one size-fits-all product. There are two primary reasons as to why GovCMS may not always be suitable for a user’s needs:

1. Service Function Limitations

GovCMS provides a base for users to enter content and to make certain modifications. However, the more highly customised the user’s requirements are, the less that GovCMS may be able to assist as there are conditions that need to be adhered to. For example:

  • SaaS user cannot install custom add-ons and extensions. They can only use what has been approved and the options available may not always satisfy the user’s requirements.
  • Users don’t have full control of all the components that allow an application to operate.
  • GovCMS only allows users to upload media up to a certain size. This limits the type of media content that be hosted on the user’s website e.g. long-form videos will need to be hosted externally on services such as YouTube.

These are only some of the ways that GovCMS can be restricted in terms of functionality. As a CMS, GovCMS may not be the most appropriate solution for all user cases. Consequentially it's important for users to understand their requirements before assessing whether GovCMS is right for them.

2. Costs

GovCMS provides an extensive collection of services, and this can come at a higher price, especially when compared to other business hosting providers. Of course, users need to weigh the level of services that they require with the costs. While other CMS may be relatively cheaper, they may also not provide comparable products or the options that GovCMS offers.

Do we have to use GovCMS?

There is no contractual obligation for government agencies to use GovCMS. As highlighted above, there may be certain reasons why GovCMS may not be the right fit.

That being said, using GovCMS comes with a host of advantages – the primary one being that it is specifically designed for Australian government requirements. For example, government agencies have mandates on security, accessibility, national archives and privacy regarding the web content they create. Government websites also need to ensure they are adhering to the Information Security Manual and relevant standards. GovCMS is designed with these parameters and standards already in mind. In addition, users have access to the GovCMS team, who help provide additional support in making sure government agency websites are compliant.

In short, while GovCMS may not be mandatory, it is arguably one of, if not the best option for government agencies to use. It provides users an almost one-stop ability to build a flexible, secure and compliant website according to their needs.

Need a GovCMS partner?

We will work with you to build engaging content tailored to your needs.

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