Empowering learning

EdTech is a rewarding use of Internet technologies and we are proud to have completed many projects in this field; spanning subjects from high school physics, use of Defence materiel, and cyber security training.
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Empowering learning

Content Creation

Engaging digital media

Content Creation

Engaging digital media

Relevant, high-quality, and engaging content will drive the success of your internet presence. These days you need to be delivering engaging digital content across all mediums to compete.
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How we do it

Valuable advice, ideas, and input come from everywhere. Listen, understand, and learn.
Exploit fast and cheap iteration. Experiment, fail fast, be agile, and be bold.
Learn from experience, act on new discoveries. Change is inevitable, adapt, and improve.

What our clients say

  • testimonial client image

    The Cove, which is the Australian Army’s professional development platform, partnered with Interserv for our website, app and multimedia needs. The Interserv team fully integrated into our team and workflows. Their products and services were consistently of a very high standard and Interserv were a significant factor in our increased audience engagement and quality of products. 

    Marcus Luciani
    The Cove
  • testimonial client image

    Paul and his team provided time, training and support to provide familiarisation with WordPress and assisted me by migrating the site into the WordPress environment.

    Victor Rae RFD
    Royal Australian Artillery Association (NSW) Inc

About us

Interserv employ Internet technologies to create high-value Web, app, and cloud products. We have been under constant commission by Defence for over a decade, helping fulfil their unique technology-based learning requirements, and now offer a broad range of App, Cloud and EdTech services to the wider public and private sectors.
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How can we help you?

Innovation is crucial to achieving a competitive advantage. Interserv believes in fostering innovation by working with our clients to develop new products, revitalise existing products, and looking for new ways to solve problems.